The Through The Soil charity compilation series began in April 2021 and collected new songs from musicians around the world; acts like Spirit of the Beehive, Indigo De Souza, and Lily Konigsberg with proceeds benefitting the LGBTQ suicide prevention organization the Trevor Project. As the existential attacks against queer people in the United States grow in strength, the mission of Through The Soil continues to be a life-saving one.
Today, Through The Soil II is out. Spread across the 37-track compilation are new songs from artists that, if you're a fan of The FADER's, you'll probably recognize. Julien Baker's "Milkman of Human Kindness" is bruised yet full of resilience; "Lost and Found" from South Korean shoegaze artist Parannoul is another cathartic gem; Lala Lala and Tomberlin become the duo you didn't know you needed on the achingly honest "Good Luck New Year." There's a lot more to discover, and for $5, it's a bargain supporting a great cause. Buy it on Bandcamp now.