Open Source Econometrics: Francis Starlite’s Transparent Spending

June 19, 2009

We're not actually very good at math, making charts or linear regressions, but when we noticed Francis Starlight of Francis & The Lights keeps a Twitter record of all the money he spends and receives, we got all \sigma_t^2=\alpha_0+\alpha_1 \epsilon_{t-1}^2+\cdots+\alpha_q \epsilon_{t-q}^2 = \alpha_0 + \sum_{i=1}^q \alpha_{i} \epsilon_{t-i}^2 [Ed. We have no idea what just went on there] and broke down all of his expenses from the last month. Some things we noticed:

- Strangers on the internet were generous enough to part with $3.00 in May 2009.

- Stage hair is PRICELESS.

- Traveling and hotel expenses were so high, they didn't even show up on our chart (oops)

Lesson to be learned? If you're gong to be in a band, you should eat worse and travel less. Also, you probably shouldn't trust us as accountants or life advisers. We do however admire Francis for opening his budget up to public scrutiny. We hope this helps with the oversight!

Open Source Econometrics: Francis Starlite’s Transparent Spending