Of all the facts we've been able to pin down about Manchester's Money (formerly Meke Menete, Youth, Books and Youth/Books), the clearest is that they're good at making videos. For example "Goodnight London," the most plainly and devastatingly somber, pairs solo piano with ’50s-era footage of a crowded Coney Island and lyrics like Every girl I've ever loved and every boy I've ever loved closed their eyes. The YouTube description is a poem about the sun crying because it suffocated heaven. "Who's Going to Love You Now" is the latest. It starts with footage from Klaus Kinski's Jesus tour—where Werner Herzog's favorite actor stole a microphone and screamed at the "fucking scum" that made up the audience—and intersperses footage of David Foster Wallace on Charlie Rose, hockey fights and schoolyard bullies, Bob Dylan and porn. It's pretty good.