Sophie Allison (Soccer Mommy) makes angsty, introspective indie rock that fuses a late-'90s sonic sensibility with a highly contemporary writing style. Today, she's announced her third studio album, Sometimes, Forever, enlisting Daniel Lopatin (Oneohtrix Point Never) to produce. The record is due out June 24 via Loma Vista, and Allison has shared its lead single, "Shotgun," along with a fourth-wall-busting video courtesy of Kevin Lombardo.
The song is mostly straightforward but tinged with an eerie sense of déjà vu, it's hollow guitar tones and spectral synths floating like ghost sounds from a track so faded in one's memory it no longer exists. "Whenever you want me, I'll be around / I'm a bullet in a shotgun waiting to sound," Allison sings, reflecting on the anxious excitement of a budding romance.
“‘Shotgun’ is all about the joys of losing yourself in love,” she writes. “I wanted it to capture the little moments in a relationship that stick with you.”
Lombardo's video blurs the lines between reality, art, and artifice, starting with a close-up of Allison playing her guitar in a pink bedroom and slowly zooming out to reveal the room is a small set on a much larger soundstage.
Watch it below.